SA HomeLoans Supplier Portal
Current Active Vendors

Current Active Vendors

The Vendor Portal enables existing vendors to keep their existing data up to date, view and respond to Requests for Quotation, view and download tender notifications, and keep up to date with important information. The objective of this portal is to streamline your dealings, leveraging technology to deliver faster, simpler and better quality processes.

For support, please contact [email protected]

Not a Vendor Yet

If you have services or materials that you would like to provide, you are welcome to register as a potential vendor (click on the Not registered? Click here to register link to the left of this paragraph).

Once you are registered and you have provided some key information, you may receive Requests for Quotations – if you bid on any of these and are successful, you will then be invited to begin the process to register as a vendor.

For support, please contact [email protected]